2.0 reached

Wow, it’s done! Paul put the 2.0 release on sourceforge today, and did the whole « release ritual » including cvs tagging, tarballs, release notes, release mail, sourceforge, freshmeat, and I’m sure I forgot some… Leaving to me a single responsability, clicking on Send on the linuxfr.org news item I had prepared on Sunday, and the Ubuntu packages (which I also prepared yesterday…)

So, it’s finally done after 2.5 monthes since last release! Paul and I have been investing a whole lot of our free time to make this happen, and the sensation post-release is kind of strange. I feel relieved, and tired as hell. Sylpheed-Claws sucked my energy!
Now is to hope that people won’t only answer to the announce mail to complain about this and that!