• RPM Hell

    Actually, this is not RPM Hell but rather crappy packaging hell: [root@sam70 ~]# rpmbuild –rebuild xen-3.1.0-10.fc8.src.rpm Installing xen-3.1.0-10.fc8.src.rpm error: Failed build dependencies: transfig is needed by xen-3.1.0-10.x86_64 libidn-devel is needed by xen-3.1.0-10.x86_64 texi2html is needed by xen-3.1.0-10.x86_64 SDL-devel is needed by xen-3.1.0-10.x86_64 curl-devel is needed by xen-3.1.0-10.x86_64 libX11-devel is needed by xen-3.1.0-10.x86_64 python-devel is…

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  • Stuff that happens to cluster sysadmins

    Suddenly getting 60% packet loss between the LAN and the cluster, just because kernel: ip_conntrack: table full, dropping packet. Fix the problem by raising the limit from 65536 to 2097152 slots. If this limit is reached, that’ll eat 700MB of memory, ouch….

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  • Stuff that happens to sysadmins

    Lose one hour thinking this RAID controller driver must be buggy because « mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 » errors out with « No such device ». After this hour, figure out from man 2 mount that ENODEV means « filesystemtype not configured in the kernel. » instead. Duh. Accept the fact that some gigabit switches from an anonymous vendor that has…

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